Here are visualisations of the 205 scene categories in the MIT Places Database using a variant of the same technique used to generate the thousand faces of Caffenet.
These are rendered on random grayscale noise rather than a photograph, so they're purely a manifestation of what the neural net has "learned" from the training image set. I don't find the architectural fantasies here anywhere near as disturbing as the classic deepdreams images. Some of them are remarkably "readable" (like the butcher's shop in 34, or the volcanos in 197) and they've all got a kind of trippy beauty.

0 abbey

1 airport terminal

2 alley

3 amphitheater

4 amusement park

5 aquarium

6 aqueduct

7 arch

8 art gallery

9 art studio

10 assembly line

11 attic

12 auditorium

13 apartment building

14 badlands

15 ballroom

16 bamboo forest

17 banquet hall

18 bar

19 baseball field

20 basement

21 basilica

22 bayou

23 beauty salon

24 bedroom

25 boardwalk

26 boat deck

27 bookstore

28 botanical garden

29 bowling alley

30 boxing ring

31 bridge

32 building facade

33 bus interior

34 butchers shop

35 butte

36 bakery

37 cafeteria

38 campsite

39 candy store

40 canyon

41 castle

42 cemetery

43 chalet

44 classroom

45 closet

46 clothing store

47 coast

48 cockpit

49 coffee shop

50 conference center

51 conference room

52 construction site

53 corn field

54 corridor

55 cottage garden

56 courthouse

57 courtyard

58 creek

59 crevasse

60 crosswalk

61 cathedral

62 church

63 dam

64 dining room

65 dock

66 dorm room

67 driveway

68 desert

69 desert

70 dinette

71 doorway

72 engine room

73 excavation

74 fairway

75 fire escape

76 fire station

77 food court

78 forest path

79 forest road

80 formal garden

81 fountain

82 field

83 field

84 galley

85 game room

86 garbage dump

87 gas station

88 gift shop

89 golf course

90 harbor

91 herb garden

92 highway

93 home office

94 hospital

95 hospital room

96 hot spring

97 hotel room

98 hotel

99 ice cream parlor

100 iceberg

101 igloo

102 islet

103 ice skating rink

104 inn

105 jail cell

106 kasbah

107 kindergarden classroom

108 kitchen

109 kitchenette

110 laundromat

111 lighthouse

112 living room

113 lobby

114 locker room

115 mansion

116 marsh

117 martial arts gym

118 mausoleum

119 medina

120 motel

121 mountain

122 mountain snowy

123 music studio

124 market

125 monastery

126 museum

127 nursery

128 ocean

129 office

130 office building

131 orchard

132 pagoda

133 palace

134 pantry

135 parking lot

136 parlor

137 pasture

138 patio

139 pavilion

140 phone booth

141 picnic area

142 playground

143 plaza

144 pond

145 pulpit

146 racecourse

147 raft

148 railroad track

149 rainforest

150 reception

151 residential neighborhood

152 restaurant

153 restaurant kitchen

154 restaurant patio

155 rice paddy

156 river

157 rock arch

158 rope bridge

159 ruin

160 runway

161 sandbar

162 schoolhouse

163 sea cliff

164 shed

165 shoe shop

166 shopfront

167 shower

168 ski resort

169 ski slope

170 sky

171 skyscraper

172 slum

173 snowfield

174 staircase

175 supermarket

176 swamp

177 stadium

178 stadium

179 stage

180 subway station

181 swimming pool

182 television studio

183 topiary garden

184 tower

185 train railway

186 tree farm

187 trench

188 temple

189 temple

190 track

191 train station

192 underwater

193 valley

194 vegetable garden

195 veranda

196 viaduct

197 volcano

198 waiting room

199 water tower

200 watering hole

201 wheat field

202 wind farm

203 windmill

204 yard