Date Tags diary

I'm now on campus three out of five days, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, and the first two of these seem more normal, it's the start of the week and more of the rest of the team are around, but Thursdays it's a bit emptier. And it's semester break now, so the campus is quiet, a part of the seasonality of working in the tertiary sector which I didn't realised I'd missed.

This morning there was an OCFL community call - the mostly US-based people who organise these have them in Australian-friendly timeslots when they can - and I was looking back through the chat and saw what looked like a weird emoticon, :q, and then saw that I'd typed it, because I'd opened up a file in Vim to check some detail of the spec we were discussing and had tried to quit without noticing that Zoom had focus.