Fedivision is an annual song contest held around the same time as Eurovision on the Fediverse. I entered an instrumental in 2022 but this year I wanted to actually write a song with lyrics and vocals. I've tried songwriting many times over the years but have always gotten too shy about actually recording anything.

I knew that the more I thought about this, the less chance there would be that I'd actually submit something. I got the idea for the lyrics on an evening walk when the moon was low and full, which would have been about a month ago, and recorded it the weekend the contest closed. The Moon illusion is the puzzling question as to why the moon looks so much more impressive when it's on the horizon.

The results are fairly unpolished but I'm happy with how it turned out. A lot of my creative projects end up being very complicated and indirect, so it's nice to make something simple.

You can vote for it with the code SELE although the polls close on Sunday 26 May 2024, 19:00 UTC and there's four hours of music to listen to if you want to be fair about it.

Tech notes: the synths were done on my modular and processed through the granulating setup I've built with SuperCollider. Vocals and guitar were recorded and mixed in Reaper.