Negligible risk

Easy to get out of new habits when they're interrupted by Easter.

This week was taken up with meetings and handover, mostly about research data management. I'm taking over our Institutional Underpinnings project and need to spend some time catching up on it next week.

And I finally finished debugging …

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What I worked on

Copying a practice I've seen other bloggers do - and as an attempt to kickstart this one, and also remind myself that giving this domain a bit of an overhaul is something I want to do this year - I'm going to set aside a bit of time every Friday afternoon to …

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Less Than Nothing

Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism London: Verso Books, 2012

Slavoj Žižek

I've had problems with depression for my whole adult life: I am much better at managing it than when I was younger, but one of the bad habits which I find it hard to shake off is …

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Scientific Babel

The Language of Science from the Fall of Latin to the Rise of English. London: Profile Books, 2015

Michael D Gordin

This book falls at the intersection of a few of my interests - language, the idea of an auxiliary or neutral meta-language, the history of science in general and academic …

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