Annales: Details

This was the first time I submitted a NaNoGenMo entry which aimed at being readable, in contrast to my previous efforts, Everywhere Dense and Neuralgae, which were really abstract. Annales is a generated parody of a very ancient genre, the chronicle, which tells history as a sequence of reigns, deaths …

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The Stepwise Palace

In 2013 I wrote and published an eighty-one-verse poem in Spenserian stanzas on FSVO. It started as an affectionate parody of the works of writers like Erasmus Darwin, who in the eighteenth century enthusiastically boosted the natural sciences in poems which are now long unread. It grew into something a …

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For NaNoGenMo (national novel generation month) 2015, I wrote some Python which generates a series of loosely-coupled deepdream images, and adds eight-line surrealist 'poetry' to them based on the image categories used to draw them.


The full text is here: Neuralgae.

The source code and a fairly detailed description of …

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The Library of Louchébem

The chronicles of Louchébem, an ancient city shrouded in myth, legend and metafiction, which started out as a series of short vignettes on Nannygoat Hill in 2010. Writing thirty of these is the closest I've come to doing NaNoWriMo. 'The Faithful Alchemist', a more substantial story in the same setting …

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The Cremaster Cycle Cheat Sheet

I wrote a bluffer's guide to Matthew Barney's insane five-part epic art film after seeing it at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. It's so old that it used to live on my staff home page, back when staff could have home pages: then it fell off the net …

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