Organic Salt

If you think the title of this post is funny, and you have anything to do with science communication, we really need to talk.

In the couple of weeks I've seen infographics going around which try to correct non-technical people about the ways in which they use terms like "chemical …

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The second in a series of posts about how we think about coding and functional programming. The first was The Homunculus

Even though I've complained about the metaphor of the homunculus, it can be used as a useful device to explain the differences between programming paradigms to a non-technical audience …

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The thousand faces of CaffeNet

Here are the thousand image categories in the ImageNet Challenge data visualisation context, rendered onto a webcam photo of me using the deepdraw technique.

This is the set of image classifications which the standard Deepdreams imagery is based on: as more than one hundred of the categories are dog breeds …

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Less Than Nothing

Hegel and the Shadow of Dialectical Materialism London: Verso Books, 2012

Slavoj Žižek

I've had problems with depression for my whole adult life: I am much better at managing it than when I was younger, but one of the bad habits which I find it hard to shake off is …

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Scientific Babel

The Language of Science from the Fall of Latin to the Rise of English. London: Profile Books, 2015

Michael D Gordin

This book falls at the intersection of a few of my interests - language, the idea of an auxiliary or neutral meta-language, the history of science in general and academic …

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The Homunculus

This is the first in a series of posts about the way we think about programming, the influence these ideas have on how we write code and what languages we choose, and why I like the functional programming paradigm in general and Haskell in particular.

Consumer notification: I've worked as …

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The Library of Louchébem

The chronicles of Louchébem, an ancient city shrouded in myth, legend and metafiction, which started out as a series of short vignettes on Nannygoat Hill in 2010. Writing thirty of these is the closest I've come to doing NaNoWriMo. 'The Faithful Alchemist', a more substantial story in the same setting …

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Items from the ImageNet Large Scale Image Recognition Challenge which I'm pretty sure I wouldn't be able to identify

n01440764 tench, Tinca tinca
n01496331 electric ray, crampfish, numbfish, torpedo
n01530575 brambling, Fringilla montifringilla
n01532829 house finch, linnet, Carpodacus mexicanus
n01534433 junco, snowbird
n01537544 indigo bunting, indigo finch, indigo bird, Passerina cyanea
n01601694 water ouzel, dipper
n01608432 kite
n01622779 great grey owl, great gray owl, Strix nebulosa
n01629819 European fire …
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