Annales: Details

This was the first time I submitted a NaNoGenMo entry which aimed at being readable, in contrast to my previous efforts, Everywhere Dense and Neuralgae, which were really abstract. Annales is a generated parody of a very ancient genre, the chronicle, which tells history as a sequence of reigns, deaths …

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A bit of a flutter

I went off Nate Silver a bit when I read The Signal and the Noise because I thought he was a bit scanty in explaining Bayesian analysis but mostly because he goes on about how true Bayesians should be prepared to back up their assessments of probabilities with a wager …

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Glossatory II

I've been playing around with the neural net behind @GLOSSATORY as part of this year's NaNoGenMo: here's a preview.

ABDOMINABLE: a small wall of muskeled for swinging in star or supported in the northwestern central England on the Russian Canamaaceae

ABILITY: the quality of being laws and property


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Congratulations, Nerds

If you don’t like the state (read: if you don’t like paying taxes or welfare) its backing of money will seem monstrous to you. Returing to a real physical substance as a store of value is politically infeasible because we know what the banking system was like in …

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Being and Time New York: Harper & Row, 1962

Martin Heidegger (tr John Macquarrie and Edward Robinson)

I did that thing again, where my mood disorder kicks in and I read an interminably long and difficult work of philosophy. In my defence, if I’d read Being and Time when I …

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