Negligible risk

Easy to get out of new habits when they're interrupted by Easter.

This week was taken up with meetings and handover, mostly about research data management. I'm taking over our Institutional Underpinnings project and need to spend some time catching up on it next week.

And I finally finished debugging …

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I got myself a gemini. Gemini is a protocol for serving hypertext, with emphasis on the 'text': it's more like Gopher than the web, with an emphasis on simplicity and privacy, and no inline links or images.

Although I'm certainly old enough, I didn't have much experience of the pre-web …

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What I worked on

Copying a practice I've seen other bloggers do - and as an attempt to kickstart this one, and also remind myself that giving this domain a bit of an overhaul is something I want to do this year - I'm going to set aside a bit of time every Friday afternoon to …

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One of the original promises of the net was that it would transcend territories, another part of John Perry Barlow’s declaration of independence which hasn’t worked out. I have a memory from the late 80s, when I was working for a small software company in Sydney, helping establish …

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Migration time

I'm moving this blog and all the rest of * to a new host - things will be patchy and possibly broken for the next few days.

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After skipping it last year (I did NaNoWriMo instead) I decided that I missed doing National Novel Generating Month and thought I'd do something relatively simple, based on Tom Phillips' A Humument, which I recently read for the first time. Phillips' project was created by drawing over the pages of …

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Two kinds of constraint

A fun quality of Mastodon - a social communication platform I hang out on a bit too much - is that individual instantiations can fork its basic form and add odd twists which suit just that community. notoriously bans that fifth Latin glyph which is most common in many linguistic …

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You are not a universal machine

Point 2 in this advice to new developers is

"Never use a plugin which you can't write yourself"

I think this is really bad advice, although his less extreme version -- that you should try to read and understand other people's libraries -- is actually good, and not really the same thing …

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Samuel, beat poet

I didn't contribute to NaNoGenMo this year: on the spur of the moment, I decided to try writing 50,000 words of fiction, rather than generating it, and blogged briefly about it at Nannygoat Hill. I didn't even get around to feeding the results into a neural net, like I …

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