Lucid dreaming with neural nets

The Deepdreams algorithm takes a deep neural net trained for image-recognition and uses a forced-feedback loop to induce a kind of machine-pareidolia or hallucination, with beautiful and often nightmarish results:


The original algorithm picks details from all of the neural net's training data, based on resemblances to the original image …

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The Cremaster Cycle Cheat Sheet

I wrote a bluffer's guide to Matthew Barney's insane five-part epic art film after seeing it at the Art Gallery of New South Wales. It's so old that it used to live on my staff home page, back when staff could have home pages: then it fell off the net …

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I finally got around to getting a domain name. Hi, grab a feed, make yourself comfortable.

This site is a place for me to host or link to various projects which have been either scattered around the net, or languishing in a folder on my laptop for want of a …

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